Every year, Carnegie highlights International Women’s Day by writing a report spotlighting important gender equality topics and mapping gender equality across its Nordic coverage of ~470 companies. This year’s theme is the impact of the Trump Administration’s executive orders, where so far twelve have been issued which have an adverse impact on diversity, equality and inclusion.
Importantly, across the Nordics, the executive orders have had the opposite effect, with several high-profile industrial leaders and owners openly supporting the merits of diversity and meritocracy in the daily press. In our yearly study of gender equality among Carnegie’s companies under coverage, we also encouragingly find that the share of women on boards is approaching 40%, and the share of women in top management continues to grow but is below 30% in all countries but Finland. However, importantly, in roles calling the shots – Chairmen and CEOs – women remain largely absent, with men still holding more than 90% of the positions.