Corporate governance refers to the decision systems and processesthrough which a company is governed and controlled. Governance, management and control are distributed among the shareholders, the Board of Directors, Board committees and the CEO. The overall objective of corporate governance at Carnegie is to ensure smooth and efficient processes that uphold high ethical standards as well as good risk management and internal control.

Carnegie is required to comply with a wide range of regulations. The external regulatory framework for corporate governance includes the Companies Act, the Annual Accounts Act, the Bankingand Finance Business Act and regulations and guidelines issued by Finansinspektionen (the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority) and other government agencies. The Group also applies internal regulations adopted at various levels. These internal regulations clarify the division of responsibility and the tasks of functions and employees and provide guidance on how employees should conduct themselves in accordance with Carnegie’s fundamental values.
The parts of internal regulations adopted by the annual general meeting are the Articles of Association, the Diversity Policy and assessment of the suitability of directors. Governance within the Group is also regulated by internal policy documents adopted by the Board of Directors and the CEO, respectively. The policy documents adopted by the Board of Directors include the Board charter, instructions to the CEO, risk and compliance policies, the credit policy, the policy for management of conflicts of interest, the policy for measures against money laundering and terrorist financing and the remuneration policy.